Meatless Monday — Chia Pudding

Aug, 12, 2013

So far, all my meatless Monday recipes have been main courses for a reason: when people look for recipes to cut out meat, they normally look for main courses. Today, however, my recipe is for chia pudding, which is a perfect breakfast or snack food. I personally love eating a chia pudding in the evening, especially after a workout.

When most people hear “chia seeds,” they think of those chia pets — the novelties we’ve seen on TV with green stuff growing out of them as if it is fur or hair. What most people might not know is that chia seed is a super food and really good for your health. These days, chia seeds are well known as an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acid. Chia seeds also contain fiber at 10 grams per ounce (about 2 tablespoons), and contain protein and minerals including as iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc.

This recipe is a super easy way to make one serving of chia pudding in a Mason jar. It’s a great way to have easy access to a snack on the fly. And because it has a lid, it will travel well, too. I like to top my chia pudding with berries, fruit and granola when served.

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milkchia-pudding
  • 2 tbsp. chia seeds
  • 1 tsp. agave nectar or raw honey
  • 1/8 vanilla bean seeds or use a 2 drops of vanilla extract
  • 1 dried fig or date, diced
  • 1 tbsp. unsweetened coconut flakes
  • 1 Mason jar with lid

Place everything in Mason jar and screw lid on tightly. Shake well for a minute or so. Let it rest for 5-10 minutes and shake for another 10 seconds. Rest and repeat until it’s all combined. Place in fridge for at least 5 hours or overnight. Add berries, hemp hearts, bee pollen or other goodies for a sweet treat.

Fredrika Syren

Fredrika Syren is an environmental activist and writer. In 2016, she founded the website where she shared her family’s journey of living zero waste. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband James and their children Bella, Noah, and Liam. Fredrika and her family were recently featured in the documentary Zero Time to Waste. Fredrika is also the author of Zero Waste for Families - A Practical Guidebook (which you can buy on this site)

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