This book is a compilation of 14 years of learning how to go zero waste. Fredrika shows how easy it is to reduce your waste with lots of doable steps and tips for sustainable living that every person can integrate; from packing a zero waste school lunch to hosting a zero waste birthday party, and how all this can save not only the planet but also lots of money.
- Discover tried-and-true DIY recipes for meals, beauty & home
- Learn with tips how to host a zero waste party, how to travel zero waste and how to do daily chores like cleaning, laundry and shopping with little or no waste
- Learn how to make your own zero waste first aid kit
- Get tips for reducing waste with babies, children including crafts, toys and school supplies
- Learn how we saved $18k/year going zero waste
- Over 150 pages of practical tips for beginners and advanced zero-wasters
“It’s like having the smart kid in class give you their well-researched cheat sheet, saving you time, money, and frustration. ” – Jesse