Let’s save the world one piece of paper at a time!
You know trees are important for human survival right? That’s because each tree creates oxygen for about three people. They are important for maintaining the balance of nature. And trees protect the earth from global warming.
Now, we all know that paper is made from trees, right? So, in order to make paper, we must cut trees down — and we cut them down faster than we grow new ones. Here is an interesting fact: I million tons of paper are being used around the world and too much of this paper is wasted. It takes about 17 trees to make one ton of paper. And this is threatening the last remaining natural forests and the wildlife that lives in it. Today, 42% of all deforestation is because of manufacturing paper.
How can we save paper in order to save trees?
- Buy only responsibly produced paper for business, and make pulp/paper manufacturing more sustainable
- Recycle all used paper
- Use tree-free toilet papers
- Buy package-free products as much as possible
- buy in bulk when possible
- Save pictures, files and documents digitally
- File taxes electronically
- Only buy 100% recycled paper or FSC certified paper — and make sure it’s not bleached
- Skip paper towels and paper tissues; choose cloth instead
- Don’t print more than necessary
- Use electronic tickets instead of paper tickets when traveling or going to an event
- Use electronic mail, internet and document scanners
- Read newspapers and magazines online
- Borrow, buy used or read downloadable books
- Cancel catalogs
- Skip paper bags when shopping, and bring reusable cloth bags
- Have kids draw on both sides of paper
- Gift wrap with reusable cloth instead of disposable gift papers and bags
- Send E-cards
- send Evites instead of paper invitations
- Eliminate Junk Mail — In the U.S., you can place a “No Free Papers” sign on the mailbox. Another way to stop junk mail in the U.S. or U.K. requires a little more time and effort, but eliminating all that wasted paper is worthwhile. Contact the mail preference service for the U.S. and the mailing preference service in the U.K. These do-not-mail lists are maintained by the major marketing associations that distribute the major mailing lists, and they help you get onto an opt-out list by mail.