There are some very simple things we can do to recharge the digestive battery and get back to our old healthy selves again. Here are favorite homemade remedies that I use often. They are natural and completely free of any pharmaceutical ingredients and toxins.
1. Fennel tea — This is my personal favorite since I love the slight licorice taste. I enjoy fennel seeds in my cooking and make tea from them for a very digestion-soothing drink.
2. Probiotics — There are over 400 kinds of bacteria and yeast in our digestive system, and out of them, the Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifid bacterium bifidum are considered the “good” ones since they help maintain good digestive health. So start taking a probiotic supplement everyday.
3. Mint — Mint helps aid digestion, reduces and prevents indigestion, and calms the mind and body. Enjoy some fresh mint in a smoothie or salad, or drink a cup of mint tea.
4. Drink plenty of water — When we eat sugary or saltier foods, we tend to get more dehydrated which is a cause of constipation. So bottoms up!
5. Exercise — No need to join a gym: just commit to at least a 20- minute walk every day to help stimulate your digestive system.
6. Lemon juice — Squeeze a little lemon juice in water and drink a couple of times a day, especially in the morning. Lemon helps prevent the formation of acids in the stomach. It removes unhealthy substances and promotes a healthy appetite.
7. Papaya — This tropical fruit contains a digestive enzyme, which aids digestion. Eat a few of the seeds as well, as they are very high in the enzyme.
8. Ginger — It contains carminative properties, which aids digestive discomforts such as upset stomach, bloating and gas. Ginger can be used as a tea or can be freshly grated in foods.
9. Aloe Vera — The juice from this green plant not only provides sunburn relief, but also aids digestion. However, do NOT drink aloe vera if pregnant.
10. Digize Essential Oil— A few drops in a glass of water a day and this essential oil blend of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Lemongrass, Anise, fennel and Patchouli oils that each have a gut beneficial properties.
Healing Salad with Papaya, Ginger and Mint
1 cup Papaya, diced
2 tbsp. fresh mint, minced 1 tbsp. ginger, grated
1 squeeze of lemon juice 1 tbsp. honey
Arrange papaya, mint and ginger on a plate. Drizzle honey and lemon juice over. Enjoy right away.
Papaya Smoothie
1 cup plain yogurt 1⁄2 cup ice cold water 1 cup papaya
1 tbsp. lemon juice 1⁄2 banana
Blend together until smooth and creamy.
Meghan Sadin
Keep working ,impressive job!
Hi Meghan,
Thanks for your sweet comment and for visiting our blog:)