Fighting Kids’ Colds Naturally with Essential Oils

Nov, 14, 2018

By Fredrica Syren:

My kids had only been back to school for a few weeks when I started hearing lots of snofflings. Colds are going around and I know we’re next. Kids’ colds, ear infections and runny noses are part of childhood, and I try to treat them as naturally as possible by using essential oils to help my kids feel better as soon as possible. I use essential oils for everything from cleaning the house to treating sleep issues, anxiety and tummy aches, and much more. My kids love essential oils and ask for them all the time.

I use only Young Living Essential Oils because, after much research, I have found their oils to be the best quality, and I like the fact that they grow and harvest their oil sustainably.

If you’re new to essential oils, always dilute them more to be safe. In general, children under the age of 2 should not use oils, but I used heavily diluted lavender and chamomile to massage all my children.

For children age 5 and older, the general dilution ratios are as follows:

To open airways — RC and Raven: 1 drop of RC or 1 drop of Raven and 4-5 drops of olive oil or coconut oil to rub on the child’s chest

To boost immunity — Thieves: Dilute 1 drop with 10 drops of olive oil, and rub on the bottoms of feet. It also is great in a diffuser to keep the rest of family healthy.

Reduce fever — Peppermint: Combine 1 drop with 10 drops of olive oil, and rub up and down on spine. Repeat until fever is gone.

Congestion — Peppermint: 1 drop with 10 drops coconut oil. Rub on chest and over sinuses. Be careful not to get in eyes, as it may sting.

Reduce Sniffles — Lavender: 1 drop with one drop coconut oil to rub over the bridge of nose.

Sore Throat — Purification: Rub undiluted purification on neck.

Ear Infection — Purification: Put undiluted purification on a cotton ball and rub around ear. NEVER put oils inside ear.

Coughing — Lemon:A drop of lemon oil in chamomile tea with some honey

Immunity Roller

An immunity roller makes applying immune boosting essential oil easy at any time. To be prepared, you can make one. I always have one roller in my purse and one at home so I can apply it whenever I feel the need for an extra boost. Empty glass rollers can be bought here. By the way, they make great gifts, too


  • 8 drops purification
  • 8 drops thieves
  • 5 drop of lemon
  • 2 tsp. coconut oil

Mix in roller, and roll along spine, on wrist pulses or on bottoms of feet.

Young Living also has a whole line of kids’ oil products. One of their oils is called snifflease. I found that it works great for congestion. The bonus is that you do not have to dilute it.

If you’re interested in buying Young Living oils and/or have your own house emergency kit, click here.

Fredrika Syren

Fredrika Syren is an environmental activist and writer. In 2016, she founded the website where she shared her family’s journey of living zero waste. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband James and their children Bella, Noah, and Liam. Fredrika and her family were recently featured in the documentary Zero Time to Waste. Fredrika is also the author of Zero Waste for Families - A Practical Guidebook (which you can buy on this site)

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