How can face masks be cleaned?
How often should they be cleaned?
How can they be stored properly?
It looks like we will be using face masks for awhile and of course from a zero point of view, reusable masks is the way to go. To ensure that your reusable face mask is working at maximum effectiveness, there are a few important steps to follow. Here are best practices when caring for your reusable masks so they remain safe and clean, and last longer.

The CDC recommendations are as follows:
Wash your cloth masks whenever they get dirty, or at least daily.
Using a washing machine
- Bandannas, face scarves and masks made of fabric such as cotton can be washed with your regular laundry, using hot water. Use regular laundry detergent and the appropriate settings according to the fabric label.
- Detach any removable filters.
- Dry on high heat.
By hand
- Wash your masks with tap water and laundry detergent or soap. Rinse thoroughly with clean water to remove detergent or soap. Use unscented laundry detergent.
- Using hot, soapy water, scrub the masks for at least 20 seconds, and dry them on high heat in the dryer.
- If not using the dryer, hang your masks in direct sunlight to dry completely. The sun’s rays will disinfect them naturally, so, if possible, leave face masks to dry in direct sunlight for a couple of hours.
- If you cannot hang your face coverings in direct sunlight, hang or lay them flat and let them dry completely.
You can also disinfect masks in a UV disinfectant box.
Store clean masks in a clean place when not using them.