
Going Zero Waste


DIY Spring Cleaning Products

DIY Spring Cleaning Products

DIY Spring Cleaning Products Ahhhh, Spring has finally arrived in Sweden! I don’t know about you, but when spring comes around, I’m ready to clean our home, pack up winter

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Zero waste posts


Benefits of Compost Tea:

Harness the power of beneficial microorganisms with compost tea.

Recipe -
- Start with a bucket filled one-third with mature compost rich in microorganisms.
- Add distilled water to fill the bucket, as chlorine in tap water can harm the compost.
- Let the mixture steep for a few days to allow the microorganisms to multiply.
- Strain out the solids, and use the liquid as a natural pesticide spray to protect your plants from pests while promoting soil health.

Integrated Pest Management: Embrace the balance of nature by understanding that a thriving garden attracts some pests. However, with techniques like compost tea and strategic planting, you can deter pests while nurturing a biodiverse ecosystem.

Sustainability Tip: Check with your local municipality for water quality regulations. Using distilled water ensures the effectiveness of compost tea and prevents harmful chemicals from interfering with your gardening efforts.

With these natural methods, you`ll cultivate a flourishing garden brimming with vitality and flavor. Say goodbye to chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and hello to a greener, healthier garden! Head to our youtube channel for our lates video with the full recipe!

#OrganicGardening #SustainableGardening #CompostTea #BananaPeelFertilizer

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On World Bee Day, let`s buzz with gratitude for our tiny pollinator pals! 🐝 Our garden thrived so much one year, thanks to a neighbor`s unexpected rooftop bee hive.

Who knew a few thousand bees could be such excellent gardeners? #BeeBlessing
Some were not as happy as we were about the situation!

Funny Story: One summer, our garden was in full bloom, and our fruits and flowers were flourishing beyond belief. It was like something out of a gardening magazine. We couldn`t believe our luck. Then, we discovered the secret behind our garden`s success – our neighbor had a bee hive hidden away in her roof!

Oh, did they work their magic! Our garden became a paradise of abundance, with plump fruits and vibrant blooms everywhere you looked.

We couldn`t help but chuckle at the irony of it all. While some might have seen a bee hive as a nuisance, for us, it was a blessing in disguise. But as fate would have it, our neighbor eventually had to remove the hive for safety reasons.

🛁 BEE BATH TIP! Remember to leave a little bowl of water with marbles or rocks out for Bees to have a #beebath during the warmer months! Bee`s need water too and if it`s too deep, they can drown!

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Rosemary-scented vinegar includes an antibacterial that is excellent for wiping tabletops and counter spaces. Add 4 to 8 sprigs of fresh rosemary to infuse your cleaning spray with an earthy rosemary scent.

Four simple steps to follow:

Deposit a few Rosemary sprigs into a large Mason Jar or recycled jar (an old pickle jar works great!).
Add distilled white vinegar to fill the jar almost to the top. Seal with a lid.
Let the mixture sit for 12 to 24 hours.
Pour the scented vinegar into a spray dispenser.

#cleaningvinegar #diycleaning #diycleaningproducts #chemicalfreehome #chemicalfreeliving #chemicalfreeliving #chemicalfreecleaning #vinegarforcleaning #thezerowastefamily #zerowastefamily

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Not bad for a patio in middle of a major city and in Sweden! Currently I’m growing:
Bell peppers
Edible flowers

What are you all growing this season?

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Banana Peel Fertilizer: Don`t toss those banana peels! They`re packed with potassium, phosphorus, and other nutrients essential for plant growth. Simply chop up banana peels and bury them near the base of your plants to nourish the soil and encourage robust growth. You can use indoor or outdoors - just pour it around the root! Head to our youtube channel for the full recipe!! #bananapeelfertilizer #compost #gardenhacks ...

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#family #familylife #familyfirst #thezerowastefamily #lifewithkids #mommylife ...

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#baking #bakinglove #bakingfromscratch #bakingtime #veganbaking #veganbread ...

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Backyard Chickens: A Delightful Experience
@sustainable.shane and I share tips for raising backyard chickens.

In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards backyard chickens. And it`s no wonder why! Raising chickens in your own backyard can be a rewarding and enriching experience.

Here is my YouTube video about raising backyard chickens


#backyardchickens #chickens #raisingbackyardchickens #raisingchickens

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Growing pea micro greens is a simple and rewarding process that can be done at home with minimal equipment.

#indoorgarden #indoorgardening #growfoodindoors #growtoeat #growtoeatfresh #growingfoodonabudget #budgeteats #budgetlife #growingfoodinsmallspaces

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In today’s world, where environmental concerns are mounting and the cost of living is constantly rising, it has become more important than ever to find ways to save money while also living sustainably. By adopting a mindful approach to our lifestyle and making conscious choices, we can significantly reduce our impact on the planet and our wallets.

#zerowastefamily #thezerowastefamily #moneysaving #sustianableliving #sustainablesavings #savingmoney #budgetliving #wastelesssavemore

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Finally summer is here and a few brave souls swimming ...

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#family #familytime #stockholm #blossom🌸 #springtime #thezerowastefamily #stockholm_insta #simpleliving #slowliving ...

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