{"id":16705,"date":"2017-07-21T12:19:00","date_gmt":"2017-07-21T12:19:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/green-mom.com\/?p=16705"},"modified":"2020-01-04T06:53:00","modified_gmt":"2020-01-04T06:53:00","slug":"bpas-can-avoided","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/zerowastefamily.com\/bpas-can-avoided","title":{"rendered":"What Are BPAs and How Can They Be Avoided?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Fredrica Syren:<\/strong><\/p>\n

As you may have read this month, I have joined the Plastic-Free July Challenge. One very good reason for avoiding plastic is that it is chemical laden. Most of us have heard of BPA and that we should avoid it. Many people assume that BPA is only in water bottles, but the truth is that, because BPA is common in so many more consumer products we use for our day-to-day lives, we\u2019re all exposed to it more than we realize.<\/p>\n

\"\"BPA\u00a0<\/strong><\/a>is one of the most common chemicals to which we are exposed in our daily life, so most of us have it in our bloodstream. BPA is found in the lining of canned foods, plastic water bottles, fast food wrappers, processed food packaging, dental sealants, medical supplies, and in store recipes.<\/p>\n

\"\"The bad thing about BPA is that it mimics our own hormones and ends up disrupting our endocrine system. This system’s job is to produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth, development, reproduction and sleep. So, these very harmful toxins cause damage to our hormones and nervous system, and create all kinds of problems and illnesses. Research shows that since WWII there has been a dramatic increase in breast cancer and that girls reach puberty earlier. These developments as well as ADHD, obesity and diabetes have been linked to BPA exposure.<\/p>\n

\"\"Furthermore, when containers, wrappers, packaging or bottles containing BPA are disposed of, these chemicals leak into soil, water, wildlife and our bodies. Among other things, the most BPA is found in products such as canned foods and beverages, in food from restaurants or even schools lunches, frozen meals, microwavable foods, and is also found in recipes.<\/p>\n

\"\"So, BPA is for sure something we want to avoid, especially for children since they are more sensitive to chemical exposure than adults are. The good news is that we can reduce our exposure significantly with a just a little awareness and a few practical changes. And, yes, avoiding plastic is one of them. However, there is plastic in many products we don\u2019t even think of.<\/p>\n

Here are some tips on how to reduce your exposure to BPA:<\/p>\n