Working from Home — Not for Everyone

Mar, 03, 2014

I work from home so I can be home with my kids while they are young. When I tell people this, they either envy me or work-at-home-momthink I’m crazy. I did not always work from home, though. When my oldest was 10 months old, I started working part-time and then full-time for a while. Once my second child came along 3 years ago, I started working from home.

The fact is that working from home or being a stay-at-home mom is not for everyone. I don’t ever want anyone to feel guilty when talking to me because they chose to go to work outside their home. I’m not a supermom or a superwoman. Sure I tell everyone that my commute is great and I can do it in my pajamas or sweat pants if I choose. I love that I don’t have to rush off each morning or be stuck in traffic. However, working from home requires dedication and motivation, and — if kids are around — lots and lots of patience. I can’t turn on the TV for a favorite show or the news. I can’t spend time chatting with friends. And I can’t take a nap. It’s a balance for me to get work done between caring for kids, picking them up from and dropping them off at school, and making breakfasts, lunches, snacks and dinners. So I have to be ready to work and to get as much done as possible in the little time available during the baby’s nap and after the kids are asleep at night.

Working-from-homeMy office is located anywhere in the house, with my laptop, my mobile device and, of course, the wireless Internet. On a really nice day, I have a great view from my office because it’s outside in the garden. I can attend “meetings” in my underwear if I wish. I can have a lunch date with my kids, which is fun because they think everything I say is funny, rewarding me with endless hugs and kisses. Sometimes, though, I have to trade in my lunch hour for a quick shower or do other things I need to accomplish.

For me, working from home is a great option because I’m a good planner and self-starter who can focus well during the times I have to work. I’m not bothered by dust bunnies or dishes. I’m good at turning off the outside world, and I’m ok with putting work off until late at night because of attending the kids’ activities or tending to them when they’re sick.

Sure, things get a little hairy sometimes when I’m pressured by a deadline or emails or phone calls. There are days I’m just dying for an adult conversation. And I don’t get sick days. But, for me the choice is right. That said, it does amuse me when people just assume my life is easy because I’m a stay-at-home mom and work from home. I have never worked as hard as when I work from home.

The Ultimate Guide To Working Out From Home

Fredrika Syren

Fredrika Syren is an environmental activist and writer. In 2016, she founded the website where she shared her family’s journey of living zero waste. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband James and their children Bella, Noah, and Liam. Fredrika and her family were recently featured in the documentary Zero Time to Waste. Fredrika is also the author of Zero Waste for Families - A Practical Guidebook (which you can buy on this site)


  1. Reply

    Faye H

    March 4, 2014

    One of the main reasons I wanted to work from home was so that I wouldn’t lose those precious years with my children. What is the point of going to work so you can pay a day care to raise your kids? You will never get those years back!

  2. Reply

    Christopher Bennett

    March 4, 2014

    I agree working from home is not for everyone it takes hard work and dedication I also work from home and it is the greatest experience ever I don’t have to get up and rush to work for my boss

  3. Reply


    March 4, 2014

    Working from home isn’t easy but it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Not only am I there for my family when they need me but I also noticed that working from home can add up to huge savings that can go to other aspects of one’s life (commuting can run close to a hundred thousand dollars over a ten-year period).

    Great post, Fredrica! Keep up the good work!

  4. Reply

    Green Mom

    March 6, 2014

    Thank you Gianna, Christopher and Faye,
    It’s great to see and hear from other people working from home. I agree that for me working at home so I can spend more time with my kids was the right thing and I also know that’s it’s not for everyone and I do not judge them for that choice. We all do what is right for us. Thanks for all your comments.

  5. Reply

    mary jo hildebrandt

    March 10, 2014

    hello i work from home and its very rewarding i love it hugs to you and have a nice evening

    • Reply

      Green Mom

      March 11, 2014

      Thanks Mary for sharing:)

  6. Reply


    October 9, 2014

    How do you find work from home positions? I would love to be able to do this.

    • Reply

      Green Mom

      October 11, 2014

      Hi Hope,
      I have my own business and before that I was a journalist who worked part-time from home.

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