By Fredrica Syren:
While living in Sweden for the past 3 years I walked…and I walked and I walked. You see in Sweden you don’t use cars so much to get around but rater use public transportation, bikes and yes walk. It helps that in Sweden, like many places in Europe, have great walk paths and around where we lived, part of it was through a nature reserve so walking was quiet enjoyable.
There are many reasons for a walking. It’s fun, it’s relaxing, it’s food for the planet but most important it’s good for your health. So what are those health benefits really?
First of all walking burns calories, especially a brisk walk so this is a great for of exercise that is fun at the same time and does not require a gym membership or special clothes besides walking shoes.
Walking also strengthens your bones and since it’s a low impact form of exercise most people can do it in whatever pace work for them and a great workout to begin with if you’re just starting to workout.
Walking also makes you feel better, emotionally because it releases that will lighten your mood and can potentially reduce depression. For me I always found that nothing works as good as a walk to clear my head.
While walking outside helps your body produce vitamin D which also known as the sunshine vitamin. This super important vitamin helps regulate calcium and phosphorus absorption, it strengthens both bones and teeth and provides a protection against cancer and diabet.
“Walking is man’s best medicine”