Shaved Swiss Chard Avocado Salad

Jun, 09, 2012

All morning we have been driving here and there and running errands with a cranky toddler and five year old. I know a very bad combo but it had to be done because this afternoon we have a birthday party to attend. After all that it was nice to sit down for a lunch of grilled shiitake mushrooms, roasted vegetables and an amazing salad. I found the recipe for this salad in Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr. Even picky Bella loved it so two thumbs up. The recipe called for tomatoes but I used radish instead since I’m drowning in those and I tossed in some pea sprouts as well just for fun.

I head Swiss chard, shredded
1 cup radish, sliced
1 cup avocado, chopped
2 ½ tbsp. flax or hemp oil
1 ½ tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. salt
½ tsp. cayenne
Handful pea sprouts
Combine everything except the sprouts in a salad bowl. Use hands to massage salad to wilt the greens and cream the avocado. Before serving toss with sprouts.

Fredrika Syren

Fredrika Syren is an environmental activist and writer. In 2016, she founded the website where she shared her family’s journey of living zero waste. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband James and their children Bella, Noah, and Liam. Fredrika and her family were recently featured in the documentary Zero Time to Waste. Fredrika is also the author of Zero Waste for Families - A Practical Guidebook (which you can buy on this site)


  1. Carole

    June 9, 2012

    Nice use of avocado. It would be super if you linked this post in to Food on Friday Series which is all about avocado this week.

  2. kimkiminy

    June 10, 2012

    I, too, am loving the Swiss chard this season!

  3. Fredrica

    June 11, 2012

    Thanks for the suggestion Carole and Kim I love it too and I’m so sad that my swiss chard is not growing this year so I have to buy it at the farmers market instead.

  4. Carole

    June 11, 2012

    Great that you linked in. I’ve put the title in for you. Have a great week.

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