March 12th is National Plant A Flower Day and it’s a day dedicated to the planting of flowers and looking forward to the spring season. As a gardener, I love flowers and how much color and joy they bring. Another reason I love flowers is that they also help our planet and are beneficial for pollinators and insects.

So for National plant flower day this year, help the planet by planting native flowers in your garden which is important for the ecosystem. Flowers provide critical habitat for pollinators, beneficial insects and wildlife.
Make sure to plant flowers once the last chance of frost is in your area and choose flowers that thrive in your grow zone To find out more, check out this Plant Triage site for Hardiness Zones.
Here are my favorite five flowers to grow in grow zone 10A:

Sweet pea- This one of my favorite flowers to plant because it’s vibrant and it’s an annual flower that likes to climb on border garden, woodland, or twining on a trellis or an arch.

Calendula: It’s a gorgeous plant with mainly yellow and orange flowers, but the flowers come in many other colors. It’s also called “pot marigold,” as it grows well in containers. It’s edible and comes with lots of health benefits. You can eat them or make skin oil with them. Here is my post with lots of tips and recipes for calendula.

Chamomile: Small and daisy like, the flowers have a sweet flavor and are commonly used in tea

Lavender: Most people know and love lavender and it is not only beautiful and smelling nice but also edible . It tastes Sweet, spicy and perfumed, a great addition to either savory or sweet dishes.

Rosemary: Most people think of the green herb when you say rosemary but they also grow beautiful purple flowers which are also edible. Flowers taste like a milder version of the herb. Nice used as a garnish on dishes that incorporate rosemary.