How To Begin Zero Waste On A Budget
So many people ask me if a zero waste lifestyle is expensive and I always tell them for my family it actually saves money but it all depends on how you do zero waste is my opinion. If you want to buy all zero waste swaps items because it’s easier for you that is great but yes you can also begin your zero waste journey with very little money.
So let me share how to begin zero waste on a budget!
Mason Jars – There is no such thing as too many mason jars when you live a zero-waste lifestyle. From freezing cooked beans or homemade tomato sauce in portion sizes to storing soups and stews, they are great to bring smoothies or coffee to go, to be used to shop in bulk and can even work as a lunch box, mason jars are great for so many things. The best part about mason jars is that you rarely have to buy them brand new. Instead, ask around–people usually have mason jars with lids they will happily part with for free or you can also find them for less than a dollar in a thrift store.
Produce and shopping bags– No need to spend a whole lot of money buying new reusable shopping and produce bags when you can make your own for about $2. Buy pillow cases from a thrift store and stitch them into produce bags. Here is a tutorial on how to make your own. Here is great video showing how to make your own shopping bags
Rags--You need rags for all kinds of cleaning and we always use old t-shirts that we cut up and reuse.
Cleaning supplies- You can clean your whole house with just baking soda, vinegar and soap and the best part is that it’s a lot cheaper than buying cleaning supplies.. I pound baking soda at target cost $0.99, a 64 oz distilled vinegar for 1.69 at target and 1 gallon of soap for $20 and it will last you for a couple of months.
Reusable kitchen towels and napkins-You can easily make your own cloth kitchen towels by cutting up a bath towel and cloth napkins you can usually find cheap in thrift shop but even new you can find a stack of them for less than $10
As you can see, with a little creativity it’s easy to begin a zero waste journey with little money. This way you can also start living a more eco-friendly and sustainable life without spending a ton of money.
Here more post about how money saving eco tips: