By Fredrica Syren:
I know that whenever I talk about eating less meat people start to roll their eyes at me because, well, I’m a vegan, so “of course I want everyone to join me in the vegan life.” Actually, the truth is that I tend not to preach a whole lot about veganism and actually do not believe it’s for everyone. I have chosen this lifestyle for many reasons, but a major one is because it benefits the planet.meatless monday.rtfd
We all know by now that the beef industry has a huge negative impact on the environment because livestock generates more greenhouse gas emissions (as measured in CO2 equivalency) than transport does, and is also a major source of land and water degradation. Unfortunately, it’s not just the beef industry that causes the most damage to the planet: all kinds of animal agriculture are major causes of global warming. Animal agriculture is also the leading source of overfishing, destruction of wildlife, deforestation, and depletion of freshwater resources to hydrate livestock or irrigate fodder. According to global warming scientists, curbing global warming is a difficult task but it has to be done. And one thing we humans can do is simply to eat less meat …. all kinds of meat.
Becoming a vegan or vegetarian might not be the right choice for everyone, so a meatless day or two per week is a better choice for them and can help our planet a lot in reducing global warming.
This is how the Meatless Monday campaign-turned-movement was born — as an effort to reduce the consumption of meat. This movement encourages people worldwide to improve their health as well as to help the planet by reducing their meat consumption.
Our day-to-day choices make a huge impact on our planet and the environment. Going meatless for just one meal a week can help save water and cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, choosing one meatless day a week can help reduce global hunger since much of our grain production goes directly to feeding livestock.
So take one small step — eat more plants and less meat, and make a huge effort to heal our planet.