4 Eco-Friendly Spring Cleaning Ideas

Apr, 09, 2019

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the flowers are in full bloom. Spring is here, signaling the start of a new season and an opportunity to embrace a fresh, new beginning. What better way to feel revitalized than by cleaning out your house? Before you grab your mop and broom and get down to business, consider the many ways you can make your spring cleaning routine more eco-friendly. With Earth Day coming up on April 22nd, there’s no better time to integrate these eco-friendly ideas into your annual home clean-up.
Donate old clothing
 When is the last time you sorted through your closet? Odds are, there are pieces buried inside that you haven’t worn in ages and don’t plan on wearing anytime soon. Free up closet space by sorting through your wardrobe and determining pieces you can certainly live without. Rather than throwing your old clothes away, consider donating them to a rescue mission or a local thrift store. Textile waste is one of the largest contributors to Earth’s pollution, so donating your clothes is a great way to help the environment and allows someone else to make good use of them.
Looking to make an extra buck for the clothes you give away? Donate your old clothes and accessories to online clothing resellers like thredUP, who are more than happy to take women’s, men’s, and kid’s clothing and accessories off your hands. In exchange for your donation, thredUP will offer you a payout or donate five dollars to a charity of your choice.
 Compost expired food
 Your closet isn’t the only space you might need to clean out this spring. Clean and organize your refrigerator and compost any foods that are too old to eat, including fruits, vegetables, leftover pasta and rice, and more. Don’t yet have a compost pile in the works? Check out these helpful tips for starting your compost heapin addition to all of the things you can compost, including coffee grounds, old herbs and spices, pizza crusts, and even tooth picks. Composting allows these foods to break down organically and is a practical, eco-friendly way to care for your garden and lawn.
Ditch the paper towels
 Cutting down on the use of paper productsin general can help significantly reduce landfill waste. One easy way to do so while you’re in the midst of spring cleaning is by swapping out paper towels for reusable towels. Cut up old towels you have lying around the house or purchase an inexpensive pack of cleaning rags from the store. Either way, choosing reusable towels over disposable ones helps minimize the negative impact on the environment while keeping your home squeaky clean.
 Hang-dry your laundry
 Conserving water and electricity wherever you can is a great way to make your spring cleaning routine more eco-friendly. According to Green America, the dryer is the third-most energy-consuming appliancein many households after the refrigerator and washing machine. Save energy and curb emissions by taking advantage of the nice weather and air-drying your clothes outside. If you don’t have the outdoor space to accommodate a clothesline, simply place your clothes on a drying rack to air-dry in your home.
 Help to minimize waste and reduce your carbon footprint by adding these eco-friendly strategies to your spring cleaning regime. Every effort you make has an impact, so keep in mind all of the ways you can make a difference in the world while cleaning out your home.

Fredrika Syren

Fredrika Syren is an environmental activist and writer. In 2016, she founded the website Green-Mom.com where she shared her family’s journey of living zero waste. She lives in San Diego, California with her husband James and their children Bella, Noah, and Liam. Fredrika and her family were recently featured in the documentary Zero Time to Waste. Fredrika is also the author of Zero Waste for Families - A Practical Guidebook (which you can buy on this site)

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